Monday 4 June 2018

Group 2-BLOG questions

Dear Group 2. Here is the list of all the questions you were supposed to write answers to.
I' m waiting patiently till the 10 th of June.

1.Should money be spent on space exploration?
2. Why do people believe in supernatural things like magic, astrology etc. if they have science?
3.Who or what is to blame for obesity in today's world?
4.Is the fact that things last much shorter nowadays really so bad?
5.Would you like to spend a week in The Mandarin Oriental?
6.Would you consider going vegan?
7.What does it mean to be a real man in the 21st century?
8.A letter of application.
9.Does  art need to be beautiful?
10.What do we learn about modern society from "The Joneses"?

Please write overdue posts.