Thursday 26 October 2017

Is the Internet rotting our brain?

Below is the link to the interview we watched in class. Watch it once more, answer the rest of the questions and do the vocabulary task. If you are not familiar with some of the words, look them up in a dictionary.

Answer the questions:
How does our thinking change under the influence of the Internet? Why is it happening?
What physical changes occur in our brain?
What abilities are we losing?
How can his book be criticized and how does he respond to it?
How has his research changed his lifestyle? Why has it been difficult?
What should we reflect on? Why?

Use these words and phrases to repeat the ideas of the author or express your own views on the topic:

to shift sth
to stay online / jump around / handle messages
the more … the more
modes of (thinking)
to tune sth out
to do damage
to cut back on sth
to be connected
to be hard to reverse
to be conducive to sth
to engage in sth
for decades
to influence
to be embedded in
sensitive to sth
to affect sb
mature (fellow)
to give up
every (few minutes)
to cut oneself off

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