Monday 13 November 2017

Emma Thompson interview

Listen to the interview that Emma Thompson gave to BBC Newsnight about the sexual harassment scandal in Hollywood. Answer the questions below and make sure you work out the meaning of the words and phrases listed.

1. What is Emma Thompson's experience with Harvey Weinstein? How does she describe Weinstein?
2. How does she describe the Hollywood ‘system’? What does it do to women?
3. In what sense is Weinstein the tip of the iceberg’?
4. Why and how did Emma Thompson once defend a co-actress in one of her films?
5. In what sense is she ‘lucky’?
6. What common everyday experiences of women does she describe?
7. How did people react to what Weinstein did? Why did they even ‘help’ Weinstein?
8. Why do some women choose to ‘play the game’ in Hollywood?
9. What is her experience with Roman Polanski’s case?
10. What are her recommendations for the future? What should happen?

call sb out on their behavior
endemic to the system
belittle sb
pester sb
olden days
since time immemorial
give sexual favours
turn sth on its head
to prey upon sb
couch casting
revoke sth

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