Sunday 26 November 2017

Dear Group 2. Watch  What makes a good life? by Robert Waldiger on one more time and revise vocabulary for Tuesday 28th November.
Your English Teacher
Agnieszka Rożyńska

Thursday 23 November 2017

A study on happiness

Watch this TED talk for Monday 27 November and work through the worksheet attached.
Video: A study on happiness
Tasksheet: Questions + Vocabulary

Tuesday 21 November 2017


Write (interesting) sentences with the following words. You can put more than one word in a sentence:
to deal with sth
to prompt
to stigmatise
to ridicule
to retaliate

Monday 13 November 2017

Emma Thompson interview

Listen to the interview that Emma Thompson gave to BBC Newsnight about the sexual harassment scandal in Hollywood. Answer the questions below and make sure you work out the meaning of the words and phrases listed.

1. What is Emma Thompson's experience with Harvey Weinstein? How does she describe Weinstein?
2. How does she describe the Hollywood ‘system’? What does it do to women?
3. In what sense is Weinstein the tip of the iceberg’?
4. Why and how did Emma Thompson once defend a co-actress in one of her films?
5. In what sense is she ‘lucky’?
6. What common everyday experiences of women does she describe?
7. How did people react to what Weinstein did? Why did they even ‘help’ Weinstein?
8. Why do some women choose to ‘play the game’ in Hollywood?
9. What is her experience with Roman Polanski’s case?
10. What are her recommendations for the future? What should happen?

call sb out on their behavior
endemic to the system
belittle sb
pester sb
olden days
since time immemorial
give sexual favours
turn sth on its head
to prey upon sb
couch casting
revoke sth

Saturday 4 November 2017

Dear Group 2. Some of you still haven't published the posts. You were supposed to do it till yesterday (FRIDAY)!
I'm waitng patiently till tomorrow.
Your English Teacher.
Agnieszka Rożynska

Thursday 26 October 2017

Is the Internet rotting our brain?

Below is the link to the interview we watched in class. Watch it once more, answer the rest of the questions and do the vocabulary task. If you are not familiar with some of the words, look them up in a dictionary.

Answer the questions:
How does our thinking change under the influence of the Internet? Why is it happening?
What physical changes occur in our brain?
What abilities are we losing?
How can his book be criticized and how does he respond to it?
How has his research changed his lifestyle? Why has it been difficult?
What should we reflect on? Why?

Use these words and phrases to repeat the ideas of the author or express your own views on the topic:

to shift sth
to stay online / jump around / handle messages
the more … the more
modes of (thinking)
to tune sth out
to do damage
to cut back on sth
to be connected
to be hard to reverse
to be conducive to sth
to engage in sth
for decades
to influence
to be embedded in
sensitive to sth
to affect sb
mature (fellow)
to give up
every (few minutes)
to cut oneself off

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Your blogs-Agnieszka Rożyńska (group 2)

Please set up your blogs by the end of this week.
Use Blogger because it makes my access to them easier .
Paste the address of your blog in the comments below.

Sunday 8 October 2017

Podcast 1

Below is the link to the radio programme about learning languages that we listened to in class. Listen to it again and answer the following questions:
What unexpected incident occurred in the middle?
What was the joke involving Spanish at the end of the conversation?
Language Learning

Monday 25 September 2017

Assess your competence in English

Fill in a questionnaire in which you can reflect on what you can do in English.
Click on the link below, fill in the form and click 'Submit'.
Self-assessment B2

Wednesday 20 September 2017


This is your class blog. We are going to use it for our English lessons. And here comes your first task: watch this video The Power of Belief and be prepared to discuss it in our next class.