Monday 24 September 2018

Reflection 1

The other day I was travelling on the underground and I couldn’t help hearing a few people in my carriage talking on their phones. I was forced to listen to a girl chatting with a friend about their boyfriends, a man doing business on the phone (and possibly disclosing some confidential corporate info) and a woman planning a weekend away with someone.
Somehow these people found it acceptable to share their personal and professional lives with complete strangers. I find it difficult to understand on at least two levels. On the one hand, I don’t wish random people to know what I do at weekends and what I think about my boss (and what if one of the unwitting listeners happens t be my boss’s cousin?). Why on earth would anyone want to share such ins and outs of their life with strangers? On the other hand, I am not interested in knowing about random people’s love lives and shopping habits and I’d rather they kept them to themselves.
Privacy seems to be a thing of the past, which I find deeply disturbing.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I personalny try not to answer a phone while being in public transport and if so i answer quickly or i say that i will call later. But i can understand that some people dom't have this problem. It may he connected to the imternet as we already share huge amounts of our lives to the strangers

  3. I have never had such extreme situation, when 3 people were talking on their phones in my carriage, but I experienced people talking too loudly with friends or on the phone. And I agree that it is a bit risky. For me it is also difficult to understand why these people are so eager to share their private life with strangers. Nonetheless I have to admit that sometimes I talk on my phone in public transport but I always try to be as quiet as possible and even when I am, I feel a bit awkwardly that someone can hear me.
