Monday 3 September 2018

Welcome back!

I hope everybody's had good holidays and you are all ready to get back to work. 
This term your homework is going to involve, among other tasks, watching some selected TED talks. You are expected to:
1. watch the talk, preferably without subtitles, and definitely without translation
2. take notes concerning the main points the speaker made and other interesting facts or thoughts that caught your attention
3. put down key vocabulary and any collocations/idioms you found interesting
4. be ready to discuss the talk in class

Here is the viewing schedule (the dates refer to the classes in which we will discuss the talk): 

2b 2018 / 2019 – viewing schedule 1st term  Source:

20 Sep

1.      Amy Cuddy Your body language shapes who you are (2012)

27 Sep
2.      Barry Schwartz On the paradox of choice (2005)
4 Oct
3.      Kathryn Schulz on being wrong (2011)
11 Oct
4.      Dan Pink The puzzle of motivation (2009)
18 Oct
5.      Frans De Waal Moral behaviour in animals (2011)
25 Oct
6.      Celeste Headlee 10 ways to have a better conversation (2015) CANCELLED
8 Nov
7.      Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie The danger of a single story (2009)
15 Nov
8.      Ben Goldacre Battling bad science (2011)
22 Nov

9.       Dan Gilbert Why are we happy? (2004) 

10.  Brett Hennig What if we replaced politicians with randomly selected people (2018)
6 Dec
11.  Ken Robinson Schools kill creativity (2006)
13 Dec
12. Kelly McGonigal: How to make stress your friend (2013)
20 Dec
13.  Jonathan Haidt Can a divided America heal? (2016)
3 Jan
14.  Hans Rosling The best stats you’ve ever seen (2006)


  1. My most recent blog, which I'm using is not on the list on this site. This is the link for it:
    I would apreciate if you could upload it here.


  2. blog from Maks Sekuła
